
1875-xx Update


Archive - 1875

Homicide #1875-xx

Date - 1875-05

Victim - LYNCH, John (??)
Accused - HAMILTON
Charge -


We learn that another murder has been unearthed at Two Rivers, near Pembina. On Sunday last the body of a man named John Lynch was found in tho water, three bullet holes in the body, and a heavy chain wound about the limbs, in the same manner as was the body of O'Maley. Lynch has been missing about three weeks, and the body had apparently been in the water about that time.

Tho two Norwegians who are suspected of the murder of O'Maley, are also thought to be the murderers of Lynch, and for the same object, as Lynch was known to have $1,400 in money. These two Norwegians are named Hamilton and Larsen. The latter will be remembered as having once been engaged in the photographing and horse-stealing business here. They have made their escape, and no great effort seems to have been made for their arrest. The body was brought to Pembina, inquested and buried—the verdict being that deceased was wilfully murdered by some person or persons unknown.

Lynch will be remembered as having been in the freight teaming line, between Moorhead and this city last winter.


ERROR—We were in error in stating in last evening's paper that Larsen supposed to be connected with a murder that recently occurred above Pembina, was the person of that name formerly a resident of this country. To-day we have seen documentary evidence that the latter person is now a soldier and is stationed at Fort Beauford, Dakota Territory.



(May 21, 1875. pp3). Murder. Winnipeg Free Press.

(May 22, 1875. pp3). Error. Winnipeg Free Press.