
1911-xx Update



Added age of victim
(Thanks DW)

Archive - 1911

Homicide #1911-xx

Date - 1911-07-29

Victim - Johnson, Frank (45)
Accused - Redd, Henry Wilbur (31)
Charge - Murder

On July 29th, 1911, Frank Johnson was shot to death by Henry Redd. Redd was described in court documents as "American colored".

A trial was held between Novemeber 20-21, 1911 in the Court of King's Bench with Judge Mathers residing.

Redd was found guilty with a recommendation of mercy.

By Order in Court of February 28, 1912, Redd was spared the hangman's noose and had his sentence commuted to life imprisonment at Stony Mountain Penitentiary.