
1925-xx Update



Archive - 1922

Homicide #1922-xx

Date - 1922-12-19

Victim - PENNY, John (70)
Accused - STANTON, John (30)
Charge - Murder
Sentence - Death (Hanging)


Prisoner is in Custody of Inspector Smith and Constable Holmes

John Stanton, alias James Baker, alias Albert Strapton, alias Bert Stainton, and known to intimate associates as Joe Stanton, arrived in Winnipeg last evening in custody of Inspector Smith of the city police force and Constable Holmes of the provincial police force, to face a charge of the murder of John Penny, 70 years of age, of 527 Young street, said to have been committed in the early hours of the morning of Dec. 19, 1922.

Stanton was discovered through finger print identification, serving a 90-day term at Green Castle prison farm, Indiana. He was going under the name of Baker.

On arrival in Winnipeg, Stanton was in need of a shave, and appeared rather anxious looking.

Medical testimony was brought forward at the inquest into the death of John Penny that a hammer was the probable weapon with which the skull of the old man had been battered in.

Albert E. (Happy) Horton, a star witness for the crown, is serving a five-year term for robbery at Stony Mountain penitentiary. Mrs. Annie Selbach, who lost jewelry valued at $1400, and Arthur L. Rearle, who discovered the body of the murderd man have each expressed willingness to testify in the case; each having gone to the police station but a few minutes after gaining first news through the Manitoba Free Press of Stanton's capture.

October 6, 1925 - Escaped from jail with four other inmates

October 9, 1925 - Captured - Found in a haystack outside Silver Plains, MB

November 12, 1925 - Found guilty of murder

November 25, 1925 - Sentenced to be hanged February 9, 1926


(June 25, 1925) Stanton Arrives to Face Murder Charge. Winnipeg Free Press.

(October 07, 1925) Five Jail-Breakers are still at large despite wide search. Winnipeg Free Press.

(October 10, 1925) Posse Captures Three Jail Breakers 25 Miles from City. Winnipeg Free Press.

(November 13, 1925) Stanton Found Guilty of Murdering John Penny. Winnipeg Free Press.

(November 24, 1925) Stanton Sentenced to be Hanged February 9. Winnipeg Free Press.

(January 25, 1926) Make Last Effort to Save Stanton's Life. Winnipeg Free Press.

(February 5, 1926. p22) Work of Building Scaffold for Double Hanging Starts. Winnipeg Free Press.

(February 9, 1926) Murderers Will Hang at Dawn this Morning. Winnipeg Free Press.