Archive - 1931
Homicide #1931-xx
Date - 1931-05-20
Victims - Walters, George Earnest (18); Walters, Irene Rose (12); and Walters, Doris Virginia (8)
Accused - Streib, John (45)
Charge - Murder
On May 20th, 1931, in a multiple homicide, John Streib, a Russian labourer, shot killed three people; George, Irene and Doris Walters.
A trial was held on June 20th, 1931 at the Court of King's Bench, with Judge A.K. Dysart residing.
Streib was found guilty of the multiple homicide with no recommendation of mercy and sentenced to hang on September 3rd, 1931.
An Order in Court of August 31st, 1931 upheld the sentence and on September 3rd, 1931, Streib was hanged at the Provincial Gaol in Headingly, Manitoba.