
1938-xx Update


Archive - 1938

Homicide #1938-xx

Date - 1938-04-26

Victim - McQuarrie, Gertrude (41)
Accused - McQuarrie, William (55)
Charge - Murder

On April 26th, 1938, fifty-five-year-old William McQuarrie, a bridgeworker, stabbed his wife Gertrude McQuarrie to death.

The trial took place May 17th - 18th, 1938 in the Court of King's Bench, with Judge A.K. Dysart residing.

With a recommendation of mercy from the Judge, McQuarrie was found guilty and sentenced to hang on July 8th, 1938.

By order of court on July 5th, 1938, McQuarrie's sentence was commuted to life imprisonment at Stony Mountain Penitentiary.