
1950-xx Update



Archive - 1950

Homicide #1950-xx

Date - 1950-03-12

Victim - Perreault, Marthe (??)
Accused - Stoney, Walter (39)
Charge - Murder

On March 12th, 1950, Walter Stoney, a 39 year old Ukranian, employed as a cook, stabbed and killed his common-law wife Marthe Perreault with an ice-pick and then attempted to take his own life.

A trial was held between Octoboer 30 and November 3, 1950 at the Court of King's Bench with Judge E.K. Williams residing.

Stoney was found guilty with no recommendation of mercy and sentenced to hang on January 17, 1951.

An Order in Court of January 16, 1951 upheld the sentence and on January 17, 1951, Stoney was hanged at the Common Gaol in Headingly, Manitoba.